3/6/2018, Celebrating Women’s Day


In honor of National Women’s Day, I reached out to some local experts whose work and abilities I admire. Maureen Zavatone is our go-to gal for all things financial. She has some sage advice about the current state of the market, and a program she works with to guide women through the painful process of divorce. Ellen Wasyl is owner of the Possibility Experience and she’s my Executive Coach. Entrepreneurship can be a lonely experience, and Ellen has been my sounding board, helping sort through my ideas for the future of the-elist. One of my New Year’s resolutions was to STOP being knee-jerk judgemental (I’m blaming it on social media ) and what she’s written here really resonated with me. Kelley Norcia, portrait photographer, provides a service that most of us need (or want) at some point and she’s offering a lovely package just for The E List readers.

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