9/13/2016, Fall Fashion & Discounts


This summer we did some overdue bedroom renovations: replaced the floor and repainted. The project was not that complicated, but removing every single thing from the closets and bedroom was. In general, I’m good at editing, but I was shocked by the amount of clothing that came out of my walk-in. My brilliant idea was to pack away almost everything, except those pieces that I couldn’t live without for two weeks. When the renovation was extended another few weeks, I was still quite happily wearing the fifteen or so items that I had at my fingertips: two pairs of black pants, a pair of white pants, a pair of white jeans, a couple of tees, a few blouses and kurtas, and two dresses. I was relieved to finally get my closet back in order, but in the process, it was SO easy to pare down (weirdly, the stuff that still had tags were H&M impulse purchases, lesson learned, and out they went). I can’t resist buying a few fresh new things at the beginning of the season, but having handled every single item of clothing I own (and considered whether it sparked joy or not, thank you, Marie Kondo) this is a fact: I don’t need much this fall. But those 15 essential pieces I’ll reach for every day?  I’m not sure they’re in there, so a shopping trip was in order. Here are some goodies I found (make sure to click through for discounts!).

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