The Red Carpet, Smorgasburg and More, 8/13/14


It’s not often that one finds oneself on the red carpet OR on the dance floor with Mick Jagger. In my case, it’s exactly once in a lifetime. My old friend, Erica Huggins, is one of the producers of Get On Up, the new James Brown bio-pic.  The premiere was scheduled for the Apollo and our mutual friend, Jamie, was going, so I sort of, (well not so sort of) asked for an invitation. And Erica, who is positively lovely, invited me along. What I didn’t know is that we would be traveling to the theater with her (Yes! Her entourage!) in her chauffeur-driven Escalade with black tinted windows. What we also didn’t realize, is that we would arrive directly on the red carpet. The doors were flung open and there we were, on that long swath, with hundreds of photographers trying to figure out if we were famous.

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