A Guide To The Great Outdoors


Most of you can’t wait to get outside and stick your hands in the dirt. I know this because I stand out around here as someone who doesn’t love to garden. For me, the risks are many: Lyme disease, bee stings, poison ivy, slugs, oh and DIRT! But every year I inch closer to becoming a real Lymey with a bona fide garden. We’ve now got a strip of overgrown herbs (so handy to clip a bit of basil or thyme when needed) and we fill a couple of planters with various tomato types (although a family of wily chipmunks loves our Sun Golds as much as we do). I’m not giving up yet, however. This year I’m fantasizing about a few raised beds for lettuces (with requisite deer fencing) and perhaps a small cutting garden overflowing with dahlias. A girl can dream. For those looking for a little inspiration and the latest garden trends, this list is for you.

Read the entire newsletter here.