Pinterest: The E List Office


Barry Schwartz, the author of Paradox of Choice, has me convinced that too many choices make us unhappy. (Click here for his Ted Talk, a brief intro to his theory).  I needed a few basics for the office: a work table, chairs, sofa, coffee table, lighting, some hooks and a length of cupboards to hide all the crap.

I prepared a budget for the furnishings, (believe it or not) and then spent many, many late night hours online comparing the benefits and disadvantages of one thing over another, all the way down to the coathooks. And frankly, I’m a girl with very specific taste and I knew (or at least I thought I did) exactly what I wanted. Simply put, I became paralyzed with indecision.

If I choose this lamp, I might find a better one tomorrow (I did).  If I purchase this cheapo ceiling fan, I’ll probably be disappointed (I wasn’t). This, dear readers, is the best reason for joining Pinterest. As I perused the web, I pinned my choices and inspirations to my “new office” board. It allowed me to compare and contrast, AND even better, click on the image to return to the location of the item if, in fact, I FINALLY decided to make the purchase. Have a look at my office pinterest board, here.