CBD, Prive Swiss & Life Bowls, 3/5/2019


I’m the girl who always cringes a bit at the term “self care”. I know everyone thinks I wander around the Shoreline getting facials, massages and manis, but the reality is: no. I barely make time for my hair cut and dye. But I’m re-thinking my aversion. I’m a workaholic. There, I said it. I don’t really know how NOT to work. After having to give my highly anticipated CBD (no pun intended) massage away to my lucky team member because, get this, pneumonia, I’m going to TRY to listen to what my body is saying. It’s pretty loud and clear: enough. This list is full of healthy endeavors to perk us up mid-winter. love, erica Hope to see you on Saturday, March 16th for our absolutely stunning, springy store opening for E List subscribers only and HUGE thanks to my dream team for getting it done without me this week.

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