Farm Deliveries, Vision Boards & Links We Love, 2/16/21


What to do when every single day is Ground Hog Day? Lucky for me, we always publish on Tuesday, so I do have to keep track, but that is the ONLY reason I know what day it is. Oh, and garbage day. On Thursdays, I empty the fridge of rotting bits that I had the best of intentions of cooking. Usually, this time of year, I’m planning a week at the beach to break up the seemingly endless slog of winter.

Instead, I’m dreaming up all the things I can’t wait to do once we’re freed from solitary confinement. My current fantasies include taking the overnight Crescent train to New Orleans, spending a weekend discovering Charleston (NEVER been!), a day of shopping and fancy lunch in NYC, a FULL-on spa day, sloughed head-to-toe. I know these aren’t big bucket list items, but having something to look forward to helps me limp toward life post-vaccination. One way to solidify your goals is to create a Vision Board. We asked Personal Growth Coach Meredith Newman for some instruction. Not only is it a fun activity, but it’s a useful reminder that, YES, we have lots to look forward to. This and more below. Love, Erica

Read the entire list here