Food, Freaks and Fluorescents! 2/11/15

Since the Insane Insidewalk Sale, it seems all I’ve been doing is eating and going to museums. Or I’m snowed in; writing about eating and going to museums (and doing lots of yoga to make up for the calories!). I’m making the best of a crappy winter! Fresh and exciting new exhibits at the Florence Griswold Museum and the Wadsworth Atheneum can keep you warm and cheery on the days that you can get your car out of the driveway, and we’ve got some new and old food favorites for you on this list, plus last minute Valentine’s.
love, erica
p.s. Brilliant photographer Ania Simpson of sent us a bunch more fab photos of the Insane Insidewalk Sale. We’ve added them to the original post, you can see them here. And my WONDERFUL intern from last summer (that’s you, Isaac Burns!) did a fantastic job with the Insane Insidewalk Sale video. Have a look here. 
p.p.s. a big THANK YOU to writer Alix Boyle for her lovely article about The E List that appeared in theHartford Courant’s New Haven Living Magazine. Click here to read it.