Fried Chicken, Etsy Finds & Valentines, 2/9/2021


With the winter stretching ahead of me, I decided to take control of the one thing I could: my health. Normally January is a bevy of activity; for the last 12 years, I’ve hosted our biggest event of the year, the Insane Insidewalk Sale. Taking that off my plate freed up the month. So I decided I’d double down on self-care (and not the kind that requires facials and massages). I joined the masses for Dry January and eliminated gluten, cheese, and (most) sugar from my diet (all of which had become my primary food groups during December!). I doubled down on my Peleton, missing but one day of exercise, and kept a food diary of every single bite (thanks to My Fitness Pal app). With no social obligations, it was easier to stick to this regime. I lost the 10 pounds I gained and was cheered to see some muscle emerging where previously there was none. February so far hasn’t been quite as squeaky clean, but I feel like I flushed my body of the over-indulging induced by the nightly Covid cocktail and cheese plate. The reset did wonders for my mental health, too. With the vaccine in sight, I figured I may as well re-enter the world feeling 100%! I hope you’re finding ways to muddle through, too. Love, Erica

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