High Summer: Dresses, Dining & Driftwood, 7/16/19


Am I the only one exhausted by Instagram? My daughter insists that I have to publish more “stories” and as befits a 24-year-old who knows everything social media, she is likely correct. So, I did a cute video, vertical as I’ve been warned, added tags and hashtags, and a GIF for good measure. Then the thing came out sideways. For no good reason. Twenty minutes later. Ugh. Listen, I’ve been on social media for 11 years. I have 10K friends on facebook (none of whom ever see my posts) and 2500 hard-won followers on instagram. I know I’ve got to do it for the shop — it’s marketing after all, but for myself? I’ve got enough likes, don’t really need anymore. I’d rather put my effort here, where you might actually enjoy it.

Thanks for reading the list and sharing with your friends.

Love, Erica

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