Hot Chicken, Design Secrets & A Shopping Spree Giveaway, 1/14/2020


Those stalwarts among us are beginning their third week of resolutions, while the rest of us are likely already making the kind of personal bargains that look like this: “What’s ONE cookie in the scope of things? I deserve it”. That would be me, by the way. But I’m trying this thing called Tiny Habits, which encourages you to set teeny weeny goals. And there’s an accountability bit if you choose to go there: a coach that you email to say if you’ve managed to stick it out for the day. Of course, part of me is a big girl who thinks she should be able to carry out a few resolutions all by herself. But I gotta say, the coach is not a bad idea. If you’re interested, the book is Tiny Habits by BJ Fogg. Hope you’re slogging through January as well as can be expected.

love, Erica

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