Hot Chicken, Hot Tips, & Links We Love 10/27/2020


Weirdly, I haven’t even had a cold since the pandemic began. When I woke up Saturday morning at 4:30am with a headache, body aches, and a 100- degree fever, I panicked. Normally I’d chalk it up to a seasonal, albeit, minor virus and take to my bed for the day. Instead, I tried to figure out the best, closest, and soonest way to get a COVID test. CVS had no appointments available, so my doctor sent me to Madison Urgent Care. By 9am, I got my test, but won’t know the results for two to five days. Granted, it’s better than the last few months where it could be up to two weeks. Now it’s Tuesday, and I’m feeling much better but can’t leave the house until I hear whether it was Corona or not. I try to keep The E List a happy, apolitical place, but there is NO way to stop this virus without faster testing and results. And after seven months of the pandemic, you’d think the U.S. would have figured this out. Stay healthy, Erica

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