Ice Cream, Organizing & Art School, 10/20/20


Happy Anniversary to us! We’ve been churning out The E List for twelve years now. We’ve seen our ups and downs, struggled with writer’s block, improved our photo skills, launched some stuff that didn’t make it (anyone remember the E Card? ), and have had tons of fun along the way. Between the Girls’ Nights Out, Insane Insidewalk Sales, and shouting out so many fantastic local entrepreneurs, we’ve been lucky to get to know the best of the Shoreline. During the pandemic, we’ve returned to our roots; it’s just Laura and me creating the list every week these days (we were up to 5 employees at one point). It’s given us a chance to reassess the goals of the list and recommit to our mission of improving the lives of women (and men!) on the CT Shoreline. We hope you enjoy it and pass it along to friends and family. Love, Erica

Read the entire list here