January 16, 2013

Wasn’t it just a few weeks ago that I was extolling the virtues of a New England winter? Roaring fires, hearty stews, ice-skating, SKIING? Well, that was then. I tweaked my knee over the holidays and spent a week on my ever-widening butt at the Stowe Mountain Lodge. The good news is it’s not very painful. The bad news is that I feel like I misplaced my knee and it’s no longer attached to my leg. For a girl who has only one speed: FAST (walk, talk, eat, type, you name it), this has seriously slowed me down. It’s given me some time to dive into my cookbooks (and buy some new ones) and attempt to stick to my clean eating resolve. Here’s my list.
p.s. Oh, and the Stowe Mountain Lodge? Loved it.