July 27, 2012

During the summer, my friend Jamie always wears a swimsuit under her clothes. I can’t fully express how much I love this. Such optimism! Such spontaneity! The belief that at any moment, the opportunity for a swim might arise. It reveals the essential nature of the intrepid personality. Be ready for anything and go for it when you have the chance. I conjured a bit of Jamie when I tried Yoga paddleboarding, having never set foot on one of the oversized surf boards. With trepidation, I gave it a go. Like most things, it was easier and much, much more fun than I imagined. I hope your horizons are ever-expanding this summer, too.
p.s. if you’d like to join me for a Yoga Paddle with WhatSUP outfitters, email me and I’ll keep you in the loop for the next one: erica@the-e-list.com.