New Restaurants & Fall Finds, 9/19/17


I can’t help but marvel at the surge in restaurants along the Shoreline. When we first arrived in Old Lyme in 1999, our go-tos were Restaurant du Village for celebrations and Cafe Routier for reliable Steak Frites. Sure, there were a few other restaurants, but pickings were slim and mostly average. River Tavern opened in 2001, and upped the ante considerably. The first farm-to-table eatery in these parts, other restaurants took note and began serving locally sourced dishes. While we still head to Routier regularly, and Restaurant du Village is just a happy memory, there are so many more options with something to satisfy any sort of diner. We ate very well last week, stopping in to a new butcher-slash-sandwich shop and a fresh take on a pop-up. Also on this list, we asked the experts at some of our favorite boutiques what they’re excited about for fall. If your wardrobe needs a seasonal refresh, here you go.

Read the entire newsletter here.