New Restaurants & the Perfect Black Pants, 10/25/16


On an absolutely perfect evening, almost 250 women turned out to shop the boutiques of Essex at Girls’ Night Out.  We had a blast and it was lovely to see so many familiar faces (and meet a bunch of new ones, too!).These events are happy all around…the shops do a ton of business and we get a fun night of blabbing and shopping. I end up doing most of my holiday shopping at our Girls’ Nights, which is a very good thing for our local economy. According to recent studies*, FOUR times more of your dollars stay and support the community when you shop local vs. a chain store. And compare that to online, where none of your hard-earned cash remains in town. We have two more Girls’ Nights Out planned and we hope you save the dates: Madison on November 10th  and Guilford on December 7th. See you there!

Read the entire newsletter here.