November 13, 2013

This job wreaks havoc on my figure, but it’s true: I love to eat. I try not to eat too much, and for the most part, my diet is a healthy one, but I’m rarely past the last bite of one meal before I’m planning the next. Paralyzing weekly deadlines aside, the absolute upside of writing The E List is an ironclad excuse to eat out. And lately I’ve been thinking about lunch.
Most of us grab it on the go (that’s what Chobani vanilla yogurt is for) and, like sit-down breakfast, it’s becoming extinct. Some of us are so busy with texts, facebook, twitter, instagram and other social media we forget to be social! When I do make time for lunch with a friend (like yoga or exercise), I’m never sorry after. I say bring it back! Here are some lovely lunches on the Shoreline.