One-Piece Suits, Top Ten, Mexican and PIE. 2/18/15

Will it never stop snowing? This morning, with the temperature hovering at 0 degrees, my car wouldn’t start. That’s a first. Now I’m literally stuck in the house. I’m tired of taking photos of pretty snow scenes and cute videos of my dog jumping over mountains of drifts. I never thought I was the girl who would get sick of New England winters, but I finally see why folks flock south. Enough is enough. Warm weather fantasies have overtaken me and I’m planning a trip to Vieques (again! Read about it below) and pinning one-piece swimwear options. Having a getaway to look forward to will get me through the rest of this endless winter. Hope you catch a break, too.
love, Erica
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tags:  One-Piece Suits, Top Ten Lists, New Mexican and PIE, Sayulita, South Glastonbury, Sixpence Pie Company, Southington and West Haven