Online Tools for Productivity in 2013


It would be easy for you to spend a snowy January evening searching for online tools to get you organized this year. Instead, make a quick cup of tea and see if any of these on my short-list fit the bill for what you need.

Thanks to Tidy Mom I discovered for collecting (and bookmarking) recipes from all over the web. She describes it great, click over and read her post. Not only can you grab recipes from all your favorite sites but you can create shopping lists and meal planners as well. If you try it out, let me know what you think!

Evernote makes it easy to remember things big and small from your everyday life using your computer, phone, tablet and the web. Capture anything. Save your ideas, things you like, things you hear, and things you see… and access it anywhere.

Click here to watch a quick video and learn more.

TeuxDeux is a simple, and free, browser-based to-do list. It’s easy to use and beautiful to look at. Click here to get started and learn more.

Manilla gathers all of the information you need to manage your bills and accounts and puts it in one secure place, available 24/7. With automatic reminders, Manilla lets you know when important bills are almost due, or when rewards points are about to expire. It’s secure, and it’s free. Click here to check it out.

Since 2007 Shoeboxed has been saving people time and money by turning piles of paper clutter into organized digital data. Shoeboxed streamlines accounting, bookkeeping and tax prep, allowing you to spend less time on paperwork and more time doing what you love. Click here to learn more about them.

Instapaper is a simple tool to save web pages for reading later. Instapaper gives you a ‘Read Later’ bookmark. When you find something you want to read, but you don’t have time, click ‘Read Later’. Go back when you have time, or read your articles on the go.Get started here.

1 Password
Never forget a password again! 1Password is a password manager that goes beyond simple password storage by integrating directly with your web browser to automatically log you into websites, enter credit card information, fill registration forms, and easily generate strong passwords. Click here to learn more.