Organized! 1/16/18


Here’s what I do when I need to clear my head: organize. Oh, and read blogs about organizing and minimalism. I used to buy books on the topic, too, but then it occurred to me that my time was better spent actually organizing then reading about it. The result is that my house is somewhat in order, i.e. I can generally find things that I’m looking for. It’s not insta-perfect and it doesn’t look much like the pretty pictures in the blogs, but I’ve cleared the clutter. Give me fifteen minutes and I’ll empty the junk drawer. In an hour I can weed through my closet. A few hours and the pantry is spic and span. It’s a weird hobby, I know, but so satisfying to put a little corner of the house to rights. So, if you’ve resolved to get organized in 2018, here are some tips, tricks, and inspiration.

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