Pizza, Puppy Cams, & a Spring Cleanse, 4/1/15


I just returned from the perfect vacation. Everything went smoothly. Our flights left as scheduled, luggage arrived safely, we were upgraded upon arrival at the hotel, and we spent a blissful seven days in Vieques. This is what I did: ate, drank (fresh watermelon margaritas!), read, and practiced yoga, not necessarily in that order. What I did NOT do was hunch over my computer! We’ve been to Vieques before so we didn’t feel the need to see the Bio Bay again, or search out every remote beach. We tried a bunch of new restaurants (I’ll update my Vieques post soon), but other than that, we did nothing. I’m not a big shopper on vacation (unless it’s Paris!), but I had my eye on a bracelet and decided that if it was still there at the end of the week, I’d grab it. The shuttle to the airport was waiting as I ran into the shop, and yes, there it was. I threw down my cash and raced out the door. The clasp is made of two tiny bells and, had I known that, I wouldn’t have bought it. Tinkle tinkle tinkle. But I’ve been wearing it since I got home, and it is a gentle reminder to be grateful: for sunny days (yes, they’re coming!), a strong body that serves me well (even if I can’t sport a bikini), that a good book is a vacation in itself, facebook can get along without me, and typos on The E List aren’t the end of the world. And how lucky I am to be able to get away on a fantastic vacation and come home to a job that I love. Hoping I can hold on to this peace of mind for just a teeny bit longer.

Happy Easter, Passover, and (finally) the arrival of spring!
tags: Pizza, Puppy Cams, & a Spring Cleanse, 4/1/15, new technology, Suja Juice, Zuppardi’s Pizza, West Haven, Chicken Quinoa Enchilada Casserole