QuaranTIPS, Takeout & Hope, 5/5/20


We’re doing the hustle over here. And ALL my friends who own small businesses are, too. I’m lucky to have them as sounding boards, sharing what’s working, our wins, and losses. Sometimes just a willing ear. We’re all in the same boat, trying to figure out a path forward when most of our revenue has been cut to almost zero. Many of us have laid off our team and are operating complex companies with a couple of employees. It’s rough out there and will be for the foreseeable future. In my case, I feel like I’m back to the beginnings of The E List and reinventing (again!) for the new normal. It’s depressing. It’s frustrating. But I’m trying to remember our motto here at The E List: GAME. We’ve got too much to lose to throw our hands up in the air, so this is another challenge to figure out. What’s inspiring and energizing me, is seeing so many of my friends and colleagues hustling, too. GAME. We got this. love, Erica

Read the entire list here.