Road Trip, 11/19/14


After 19 years of child-rearing, my husband and I are just waking up to the fact that we can actually GO places and DO things on the spur of the moment. While we’re both a bit heartbroken about our baby fleeing the nest, we’ve decided to make the best of it by planning teeny getaways. And our first was an overnight in New Haven. Yes, it’s only forty minutes away, but what’s better than an instant vacation? And sometimes you just have to get out of dodge. First stop? The Study. I’ve rhapsodized about this hotel before, but it was delightful to be back. And lucky for us, we were upgraded to a king suite. I’m up early and raring to go, so while Joe snoozed I crunched away in the cozy “library” and gazed out over the slate rooftops of Yale. We’ve enjoyed Heirloom, the in-house restaurant many times, so we skipped it this trip to try some new spots, but you shouldn’t. Chef Carey Savona’s locally-sourced cuisine is consistently innovative and excellent. Read what I had to say about Heirloom here.

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