Shake Up Your Routine


Way back in my retail days, the first partner I had in the first shop that I owned, once called me “excessa,” to her “moderata.” It stuck with me the way some things do, bits and pieces we pick up along the way about how others see us. I’ve always tried to shed the “excessa” label, but I haven’t: I’m a loud, emotional, workaholic, who enthusiastically bites off more than I can chew.  And December was excess in extreme…plenty of parties, lots of work, a few days in Stowe, topped off with a family gathering in New Orleans. By New Year’s Eve, I was knackered. Generally I don’t make many resolutions. But at my age (I seem to be throwing that phrase around a lot these days), I can’t just sign up for a gym membership and go on a haphazard diet to get back on track after a month of too many pigs ’n’ blankets and too much red wine. I have to think about it. And plan. And fully stock my fridge with allowed edibles so I don’t veer off track. This year, I’m spending January on Dr. Amy Myers Autoimmune Solution which is meant to reverse inflammatory symptoms. It’s not exactly fun: no sugar, no alcohol, no grain, no dairy. I’m not yet convinced it will have any effect on my inflammatory issues (asthma and arthritis), but twelve days in, I’m well on my way to my pre-December weight and feeling good. I always manage to squeeze in plenty of exercise, but I’m thinking of switching my routine up a bit. I sent The E List contributing writer, Amanda Bloom, to suss out some interesting classes available on the Shoreline. She’s a Pilates instructor, too, and has a good sense of what a teacher should provide. Here’s her list:

Click here to read the entire list.