Win A Shopping Spree! 1/18/19


I don’t know about you, but I’m happy to close the books on 2018, and looking forward to a fresh start in 2019. We ended our year perfectly in Paris (more to come), and after a week of feasting on foie gras and fromage, it was good to return home before the New Year, eat nothing but vegetables for a few days (sorely lacking in Paris), and think about how I want 2019 to play out. I’m a little averse to resolutions, but I’m always in need of a few tweaks come January. I read somewhere recently that 200 minutes a week of cardio is the magic number and that seems like an achievable goal. I’d love to lose the 10 pounds I gained over the holidays before the shop opens so I can squeeze into all the lovely new things. And mainly, I’d like to ditch my “busy syndrome” and stop letting work leak into every other area of my life. Sounds reasonable, right? Hope you all had happy holidays and see you at the Insane Insidewalk Sale. Details below.

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