
Give Local on Giving Tuesday


There are many charitable organizations that support our Shoreline communities. Consider donating to (or volunteering at) one or two of these if you can.

Iris: Integrated Refugee & Immigrant Services

IRIS empowers refugees and immigrants to become self-sufficient and integrated into their new communities. At the same time, newcomers enrich our communities, making this a better place for all of us. Iris is currently welcoming Afghan families and is ready on 24-hour notice to receive as many as needed. Learn more and donate online: https://irisct.org


Child & Family of Southeastern CT

Since 1972, Child and Family Agency of Southeastern CT has been at the forefront of social service development in southeastern CT. They have worked to enrich the lives of local families and provide accessible, high-quality programming. They are dedicated to ensuring that all in our community – especially those who need them most – have greater access to quality programs and services that will enhance their lives, shape their futures, and give them a tangible measure of hope. Learn more and donate here: https://www.childandfamilyagency.org/mission-and-history/


Safe Futures

Supporting victims of domestic violence, sexual assault, trafficking, stalking in southeastern CT since 1976. Every year, Safe Futures hosts the Holiday Giving Program, and our community comes together to brighten the holidays for those needing comfort and hope for a better future. https://safefuturesct.org


Sarah Foundation

Founded in 1957, the SARAH family of agencies serves more than 1,500 local individuals living with intellectual and other disabilities. The programs and services include residential housing and support, day programs and recreational activities, transitional and employment services, respite care, and birth-to-three early intervention services. SARAH’s primary goal is to help individuals live fulfilling, productive and engaged lives within the community. http://sarahfoundation.org


Raise The Roof CT

Raise the Roof believes that everyone deserves a decent, affordable, and safe place to live. To honor this belief, they work to bring the Shoreline community together to partner with families and help them build and own Habitat homes. “Building” consists not only of the physical work; but raises awareness of the need for such housing, raises funds to sponsor the work, and seeks out volunteers to serve alongside families and help them build.  http://www.raisetheroofct.org


Jewish Federation of Eastern CT

Guided by the Jewish values of Tikkun Olam (repairing the world) and Tzedakah (righteous giving), the Federation’s purpose is to mobilize human and financial resources to support, strengthen, and meet the shared responsibilities of our community. Seeking to strengthen Jewish identity, the Federation serves as the facilitating force that connects generations, congregations, and the unaffiliated alike. https://jfec.com


The Shoreline Soup Kitchens & Pantries is an interfaith service that provides food and fellowship to those in need and educates our community on hunger and poverty. The Kitchen provides enough food for over 1 million meals each year. This includes home-style meals served each day at one of 9 meal sites, and groceries are available each week at one of 5 food pantries. The Shoreline Soup Kitchen & Pantries is an interfaith ministry, with all locations hosted by faith communities. https://www.shorelinesoupkitchens.org


Waggle is the first and only pet-dedicated crowdfunding platform devoted to raising funds for pets in medical crisis and giving those at the front lines of economic euthanasia decisions a safety net. A revolutionary, not-for-profit crowdfunding model run by a group of passionate animal lovers, they believe in a world where no pet is euthanized for financial reasons. 100% of funds go directly to those in financial need’s pet care. https://www.waggle.org/


Diaper Bank

The Diaper Bank works to raise awareness that too many in our community lack access to basic needs that are essential throughout individuals’ lifespans. The work helps ensure families have enough diapers for their infants and toddlers, individuals have access to period supplies, and youths and adults in need can access incontinence products. No one should have to worry about affording these basic needs.   https://www.thediaperbank.org


Vista Life Innovations

Providing services and resources to assist individuals with disabilities to achieve personal successhttps://www.vistalifeinnovations.org


Crosby Fund, based in Essex

The Crosby Fund for Haitian Education is guided by the deep conviction that a brighter future for Haiti depends on educating its youth and preparing them for professional careers in Haiti. Less than half of the Haitian children’s families can afford school, therefore The Crosby Fund provides full scholarships for students from pre-k through university. Today, the Crosby Fund offers over 500 full scholarships to students at the primary, secondary, technical, and university level. 100% of your donation goes directly to student scholarships and programs in Haiti. https://crosbyfund.org/



HOPE’s mission is to create, within Southeastern Connecticut, well-designed affordable housing as an asset for the community and opportunity for people in need of good housing. https://www.hopenewlondon.org


Alliance for Living

Alliance for Living is the only HIV/AIDS service organization and resource center in southeastern Connecticut that also deals with homelessness and assists people dealing with substance use disorder. https://www.allianceforliving.org/our-services


Infinite Strength

To fully commit to enhancing the lives of those living with Metastatic Breast Cancer, Infinite Strength has defined its purpose and mission: To provide financial assistance and emotional support to underserved single mothers with Metastatic Breast Cancer (Stage IV) in order to help them have a better quality of life. And to provide hope to both mother and child that they do not have to be on this journey alone. https://www.infinitestrength.org


High Hopes Therapeutic Riding

Benefitting the bodies, minds, and spirits of people with disabilities, High Hopes fosters a community where horse and human interactions improve lives. https://highhopestr.org


Bare Necessities, Clinton

The mission at Bare Necessities is to provide diapers and wipes to those in need through local food pantries and community service organizations.  Their vision is that the families in our community will be able to live in a diaper-stress-free environment and have access to all basic essentials. https://barenecessitiesct.org/


Guilford Center for Children

The Guilford Center for Children, Inc. is a nonprofit organization whose mission is to provide a safe, nurturing, and developmentally appropriate environment for young children who need out-of-home care during the day. https://www.guilfordcenterforchildren.com


We know there are many worthwhile local organizations and I’m sure we’ve missed a few. If you’d like to be added to the list please contact: erica@theelist.com