Baked Kale Chips


Most of us don’t think of greens as snacks, but once you try this recipe that might change.


1 or 2 bunches of kale

1 Tablespoon olive oil


Whole sea salt, curry, cumin, or other spice


Preheat oven to 425 degrees.

Wash and dry the kale.  Remove the kale greens from their stalks, leaving the greens in large pieces and disposing of the stalks (or snacking on them raw).

Toss the kale greens with the olive oil until all the kale is covered in a light coating.

Sprinkle the kale greens with a very little whole sea salt or spice, such as curry or cumin.   Careful, kale takes the flavor and runs with it, especially salt.  A little will go a long way.

Spread the kale greens on a parchment paper-lined baking sheet and bake for 5 minutes or until it is just starting to brown at the edges.  It is important to watch it closely, as it can burn quickly.

Turn the kale over and bake with the other side up for another 5 minutes, again watching closely.  Once the kale seems crisp remove it from the oven and serve.  Any leftover can be stored in an airtight container once cooled.  Don’t count on leftover, though; these are too good.