The Cycle Against Cancer event is back to raise funds for the CT Cancer Foundation (CCF) in memory of, John Ellis, the founder of CCF and Corinne Derrig Rivera, who made an impact on so many lives, as a nurse, mother, and friend.
This event supports the mission of CCF: To financially assist Connecticut cancer patients and their families with basic living expenses and to fund cancer research.
I am hoping that you would consider signing up for this event, to make it the best one to date. We are all touched by cancer in one way or another and it would be great to unite together to stand against it.
This event has a bit of a twist, we are also offering Yoga options when you are not riding or instead of riding. There is something for everyone. In order to participate in the event, you can start a team or join an existing time. We ask that each team raise a minimum of $1000 and a spin bike will be allocated to you and your team during the event. If you raise $2000, then you get 2 spin bikes, and so forth. If you don’t want to actively participate, you can make a donation to a great cause.
The Cycle and Yoga Against Cancer Event details:
Date: September 17, 2022
Time: 8:00 am – 12:00 pm
Location: Zen & Now, 170 Flanders Road, Niantic
For more details, to sign-up your team, or to donate please visit: