Earth Day 2023 is on Saturday, April 22, and the Lyme Public Hall is marking this day by partnering with local experts and organizations to provide a wealth of helpful resources, all free to the public. The theme for this year’s national Earth Day is investing in our planet, and there will be many helpful resources at the Public Hall to help make this happen, with a focus on the local community and landscapes:
• UConn Master Gardeners will share information and answer specific lawn and garden questions.• Master Composter Tom Kalal from Cranberry Meadow Farm has successful composting basics.
• Mark Yuknat and Mindy Hill with CT River Expeditions for information on eagles and other wildlife on the Connecticut River.
• Suzanne Thompson with Pollinator Pathways for how you can help support our vital pollinator species.
• Lydia Pan, president of Wild Ones, brings expert advice on adding beautiful native plants to your landscape plan.
• Cynthia (Tink) Willauer with information on dealing with knotweed and other invasive plant species that crowd out our beneficial natives.
• Beekeeping: Experienced local hobbyists will be here to inspire you and answer your questions
• Certified arborist and horticultural expert Jos Könst will bring tips on how to deer-proof your garden and what plants will deter browsing deer.
• Bird expert Lauren Michael will be ready to answer your questions and share information on local avian residents.
• Lillian King with the Connecticut Herb Society brings expertise on growing and using herb plants.
• The Lyme Garden Club experts have advice on native plants that can replace invasives, and share how the love of gardening can create a supportive community, improving our public and private spaces.
• Free garden seeds for the community! Bring the kids and our Lyme Garden Club experts will help them plant their own seeds in peat pots to bring home and watch grow. Or pick up a packet for yourself to grow some flowers, peas, tomatoes and more, with planting advice from local experts.
• Lyme/Old Lyme Foodshare Garden volunteers will share information on how they are growing and distributing fresh produce to families in Lyme and the surrounding communities. Find out how to support this mission to help alleviate food insecurities and support healthy nutrition in our area.
• Do you have a few too many books on gardening, nature, sustainability or the environment? Or wish you had more of these resources? Check out our book exchange table and leave a book or take a book, and stop by the Lyme Public Library’s table for recommended selections.
• April is the official Lyme Roadside Cleanup month, cosponsored by the Town of Lyme and the Lyme Public Hall. Pick up free trash and recycling bags here, and work with your neighbors to clear your home roadways of those old beer cans, nips bottles and other debris before they are hidden by the summer’s growth. Leave the filled bags along the side of the road, and the Town of Lyme will come by to collect them.
• Free refreshments for a mid-morning snack to enjoy while touring the exhibits.
Bring family and friends to come learn how to help support our unique community of plants, animals, birds, pollinators and people. Additional parking is available nearby in front of the First Congregational Church at Sterling City Rd. and Rt. 156 at Hamburg Cove.
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