On Golden Pond is the love story of Ethel and Norman Thayer, who are returning to their summer home on Golden Pond. They are visited by their divorced, middle-aged daughter and her dentist fiancé, who leave for Europe and leave his teenage son behind for a summer of lessons learned and bonds strengthened. A heartwarming and hilarious show about generations of a family learning to communicate and to care.
Matinee and evening shows.
Call 860.767.7318 or visit ivorytonplayhouse for more information.
Tickets are: $55 adult / $50 senior / $25 students
The Ivoryton Playhouse always has gift certificates available for sale. They make a great holiday gift and allows the recipient the freedom to purchase theatre tickets of the show of their choice. Gift certificates may be purchased in person at the box office or by phone at 860.767.7318.