Weekend Kitchen in Essex has two events coming up for October:
October 16, 2021 | 5:30-9:30
Chef Jennifer Magrey
$75 pp
Come one come all to the Weekend Kitchen’s inaugural Stew & Storytelling event!
Chef Jenn will be preparing some tantalizing hot soups paired with house made breads, biscuits and muffins. You’ll also enjoy a harvest salad and individual mini dessert plates all outside under the cover of their cozy tent. Be sure to check out the expanded menu below!
Desserts will be served around the fire with eerie local folklore, fun stories and songs from Tom Callinan, Connecticut’s First Official State Troubadour.
A COMPLIMENTARY Apple Cider sangria will be included with the event. Be sure to bring your own blanket and bottle of wine.
Weekend Kitchen will also be offering some incredible soup bowls direct from Japan available to purchase to use during the evening! These bowls are $10.00 and make a great keepsake. If they aren’t your thing, no problem. They will have bowls available for your use while enjoying your Essex evening.
Stew & Storytelling Full Menu
Saturday, October 30th, 6:00 until whenever
Cost $85 pp
Join Chef Dani of Mexico Gourmet for a festive Day of the Dead party! The Weekend Kitchen will be serving traditional Mexican faire in signature Dani style. It’s going be a real party! This is not a cooking class but a pop-up dinner. Dress up if you want… music and fun to be had. If you have been to their paella party you will know that Dani and her husband Tim are a ton of fun!