Guilford Coworking
When I’m out and about looking for the next big thing for The E List, I often find myself in-between stops with emails piling up and in need of a place to plotz and get some work done. Me, I love a cappuccino as much the next girl, but I find cafes and the constant chatter distracting. These days there are plenty of tiny businesses like mine on the Shoreline who could use a “real” office, if only for an hour or two, away from the work-at-home distraction of dishes and dusting. We sent contributing writer Jennifer Carmichael over to Guilford’s Coworking space and here’s what she had to say.
by Jennifer Carmichael
As a writer and round the clock Mom, I’m pretty darn productive and happy working in my pajamas from the confines of my living room sofa. Folding laundry, feeding the cat, emptying the dishwasher — all completed during mini “breaks.” Work-life balance bliss, right? Sure, until the home phone rings and I regretfully answer it.To create better work habits, I give Guilford Coworking a try. From the moment I step out of the car, the aroma of coffee is everywhere! With a myriad of cafes off the Guilford Green, my feet first take me around the corner. Getting up and dressed (yes, a reason to wear my new blazer) is finally making sense! Once inside the coworking space, I see why it calls itself “a sanctuary for the productive mind.” There’s a relaxed, yet studious feel with workstations and lounge areas. I grab a seat, open my laptop and voila — now we’re talkin’ bliss! After 5 hours of uninterrupted time (except for a few “breaks” collaborating with a fellow member), I’m amazed how focused I can be! Closing the door behind me, I switch into Mom-mode and feel joyful in striking a balance…for today anyway.