Haven’s Kitchen


Part-time Shoreline resident, Ali Schneider, envisioned Haven’s Kitchen and executed it impressively. Housed in a charming Chelsea carriage house, it’s an organic cafe, sustainable cooking school and stunning events space.  Ali is passionate, not preachy, about her mission: creating a food community to learn about, prepare and share delicious food that sustains people, the environment and the local economy.  Enjoy a latte and an organic scone at the communal table in the a.m., and return in the afternoon for a glass of wine.

Peruse the shelves of goods and delicacies: single estate maple syrup, a signature (and powerful) coffee blend and THE BEST granola ever (slightly salty, barely sweet, a mix of oats, nuts, seeds, dried cherries and a dash of olive oil). Peer through the cafe to the open kitchen in the back and watch a cooking class in action; or better yet, sign up for one. Classes cover the gamut and are offered in the morning: Homestyle Pizza, Sustainable Kitchen 101, Rustic Seasonal Desserts. Catch an early train, take a 9:30am class, and enjoy lunch in the kitchen! YUM! Check the website for upcoming classes and Supper Club dinners with famous chefs: www.havenskitchen.com