Spring Pea Puree


Carey Savona, the chef at Heirloom in New Haven, offers up this fresh and light hors d’oeuvres:

Spring Pea Puree, Pistachios and Sea Salt

2 cups shelled spring peas – blanched and shocked in salted water
3 Tbls – Good quality extra virgin olive oil
1 Tsp – honey (local honey from Jones Apiaries in CT)
small bunches each of  – chervil, flat leaf parsley, mint and chives
salt and pepper
Juice of half a lime
pistachios, crushed (not too fine)
maldon sea salt

In a mortar and pestle crush herbs with a little sea salt and 2 Tbls olive oil until a dark green paste is created.
In a food processor, pulse peas to a smooth puree similar to guacamole.  Season with salt and pepper and a touch of lime juice.
In a bowl, mix herbs, pea puree, honey and a little more olive oil.  Correct seasoning with salt and pepper.
To serve, add pea puree to a serving vessel, top with crushed pistachios, maldon sea salt and a drizzle of olive oil.


Serve with toasted artisan bread


Carey Savona 2010