Join us for our Fall Native American Jewelry Extravaganza! We will be at Pieces Home Decor on Main Street in Old Saybrook for this two day only Pop Up Sale opportunity – Friday November 11th 10 am to 5 pm and Saturday November 12th 10 am to 4 pm.
We all know and love this exceptional Sterling Silver Jewelry borne of Knock Your Socks Off stones. The collection will include work from Jimmy Secatero, Angie Tom, Shawn Endito and several other talented Native American Silversmiths. There is always beautiful TURQUOISE and since Martin and his Dad happened upon a NEW CACHE OF STONES from the 1950’s recently, the stone selection has never been better.
DON’T MISS THE FUN! Please contact Lu at (860) 961 9296 for any more information and hope to see you there it’s gonna be FUN as always.