Free Photos at Artifact Uprising!


I have over 32,000 photos on my phone. In the cyberless cocoon of plane flights, I make a half-hearted attempt to edit and delete but yes, it takes forever. My trick is to tag the best as “favorites,”  so at least I’ve got an ongoing stream of stuff I know I want to save. Creating photo books is the end result I’m after, but talk about a time suck. I’ve recently found a solution so much more satisfying and a whole lot quicker. I took advantage of a special offer at Artifact Uprising, a high-quality photo book upstart and uploaded a random bunch of favorites to the site. Within a few days I received a lovely package of square prints on creamy, thick, super heavy weight stock. They’re 5 x 5 inch and frame-ready, but I may just tape the lot to a wall with Washi and enjoy.

Artifact Uprising is offering The E List readers a set of 25 FREE square prints (normally $21.99). You only pay for postage! 

Go to and use code: AUXEESA2016. Valid until 10/16/16.