Solavedi Organics
The philosophy of Solavedi Organics has always been this simple: Choose your skin care products like you’d choose your food. Fresh, clean, organic. We’ve long been big fans of this Ayurvedic line and snapped it up at Vitality Spa and Foodworks over the years. We’re delighted that owner Carollanne Crichton has recently opened a well-stocked retail shop to accompany her Formulary in Guilford. The best fix on her shelves for this season (post sun-exposure and just in time for the heat to kick on at home): RAW GREEN RESCUE – a light and refreshing face cream that’s described as “a powerhouse of wild, edible bitter greens for healthy, clear skin.” It’s made with fern leaf and wild lettuce mixed with cooling herbs and flowers like rose, mint, cilantro and marigold petals mixed with raw, organic, artisanal coconut oil. What really sets Carollanne’s products apart is not only her attention to the sustainable, organic ingredients that make up these skin elixirs but also her vast knowledge of the ancient science of Ayurveda. Like a Farm to Table chef, she sources as much as possible from local gardeners, while other elements are wild crafted, each specific to our own body’s energies and tendencies. You’ll feel healthier and balanced having just walked through the door.