The E List, 8/5/15

Here’s my normal vacation schedule: up early, hit the gym, eat breakfast, check the hotel schedule for SUP yoga, kayaking or some other activity I can’t bear to miss, head to the beach, have lunch, read a book, take a long walk….you get the picture. A typical Type A vacation! This time, however, I had to forgo my usual routine. Last year I was diagnosed with adult-onset allergic asthma. I’ve had allergies all my life, but they’ve somehow morphed into something less controllable. While it’s not critical, it is chronic and this summer, between heat, humidity and all manner of pollen, mold and fungi, it’s been downright horrible. By the time we left for our summer vacation, it had almost stopped me in my tracks. So, for once, I did nothing—a bit of yoga in the cool of the room, but that was it. I mainly stuck to an anti-inflammatory diet (can’t tell if it’s helping yet), so no fun, fruity cocktails either. I watched the paddlers plying the waters without my usual FOMO. I didn’t torture my husband (who has no trouble at all sitting on his pants all day) with my incessant scheduling. I may have learned the hard way how to relax, but it was a perfect vacation. Hope you’re enjoying your summer, too.
While I was away, I sent The E List contributor, Laura Williams, on a mission to find some wonderful Connecticut-made goodies. Here’s her list.
tags: HARDENCO + The Brothers Crisp, Chairigami, Luke’s Toy Factory, Cinder and Salt, Mystic Knotwork