Beauty Buzz

This summer I stayed in a hotel with one of those lighted magnifying mirrors in the bathroom. After I got over the shock of seeing myself larger than life, it was sort of a handy thing. Especially when it came to applying eye-liner! But I’m not a girl who likes to look in the mirror. My beauty routine is haphazard on a good day. I can barely sit still for a haircut, let alone eyebrow taming, pedicures and facials. During the summer, a slight tan makes up for my slapdash ways (sorry, Dr. Ginny!), but now that I’m back to winter pale, I could use a little upkeep. These days, I seem to preface everything with “at my age…,” but “at my age” here’s the truth: I look my best when I feel my best. For me that involves three not-so-little things: a good night’s sleep, clean diet, and plenty of exercise. For this list, we’ve reached out to some experts and friends for some tips and tricks to get gorgeous before the holidays derail us.