Road Trips

It’s taken us a full year and a half to realize we’re empty nesters. The days of manic weekends running around to tennis matches and birthday parties are sadly over. The upside is we can actually go away together for a weekend, something we rarely if ever did while my daughter was growing up. She’s an only child, and with no family nearby to dump her on, we always brought her along! But dragging my husband out of the house is no easy feat. He likes to spend weekends at home. The guy works hard and he needs some catch up time. I get it. But I get housebound in Lyme in winter. I like to have something to look forward to. I coerced him into a weekend of country inns and fantastic food and promised him he could bring his bike (have I told you how much my husband loves his bike? More than…practically anything). After some elaborate planning, non-refundable deposits, and plenty of time on google maps, we were ready to go. Then last week’s snowstorm got in our way, literally, by downing a tree in the driveway and knocking out power. Our mini generator has to be refueled every five hours and Joe was not risking frozen pipes. So we were stuck. We had to skip our overnights at the Mayflower Grace and Bedford Post Inn, but continued with our plans for checking out some of the most venerable restaurants within a few hours drive. Here’s what we found.