Secrets of Stonington, 6/26/18


Whistler’s Mother. Poet Stephen Vincent Benet. Nathaniel Palmer, who discovered Antarctica. The list of luminaries past and present who strolled the streets of Stonington Borough mirrors that of far larger metropoli. History, of course, is everywhere in the village, with rows of eighteenth and nineteenth-century houses, some still bearing cannonball marks from the War of 1812, all leading down to the sweeping waterfront vista that takes in everything from Watch Hill to Fishers Island. Yet for all its past glory, it is new blood that is energizing and defining the Borough. After years with a dearth of galleries, contemporary art has returned with three exhibition spaces, including Gallery 121 and Dennis Sirrine’s eponymous gallery, both on Water Street, and Serta Artes on Grand. Mexican restaurant Milagro’s will soon re-open in an expanded space. The Yellow House coffee shop may have closed, but there is plenty of caffeine and conversation at Indulge, on Wadawanuck Square, and Social, just down the way.

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