May 23, 2012

My sisters and I grew up in Cambridge in the 60’s and 70’s. Our childhood was freewheeling and mainly unsupervised, but influenced by a steady stream of artists, intellectuals, peace corps volunteers and other characters that my parents picked up along the way. My mother’s mercurial temper and my father’s meandering ways were anxiety-producing, but life was always interesting and I wouldn’t trade our unconventional upbringing for anything. Lucky for us, however, we escaped to our grandparent’s rambling Victorian on the beach every summer. No less unconventional, but we had regular meals, supervised activities and lazy evenings on the front porch. My sisters would likely agree that these were the best days of our childhood: barefoot, with mulberry-stained fingers and sand in our suits. A bikini and a shmear of zinc on the nose was all we needed back then. Now, of course, the perfect day on the beach is slightly more complicated. Besides Travel Scrabble, here’s my list. Hope you enjoy your long weekend!