Summer Snacks & A Sale, 7/9/19


Doesn’t it feel like summer JUST started? And now it’s the rush to fit it ALL in. I have yet to visit my favorite summer lunch spot, Cafe Flo at the Florence Griswold Museum, or eat my annual portion of fried clams (hello, Shanks!), or while away an afternoon at the Tree House with a lobster roll and Apérol spritz. I did, however, grab a chocolate cone (okay, twice) at the all-new-but-back-to-the-old-name Hallmark Drive-in and it was as good as it ever was (see below for links and addresses). Hope you’re having as much fun as I am.


p.s. To all of you who sent healing thoughts to my husband about his poor broken shoulder and ribs: thank you, and he’s on the upswing!

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