Victory Garden, Online Workouts and Favorite Books, 4/21/20


I finally understand the toilet paper hoarding. Grocery stores are terrifying, even getting gas is scary (and involves plenty of wiping and worry). What makes me feel better is a full pantry. And is mine ever. Besides the elusive disinfectant wipes, I am stocked for months in pasta, beans, rice, and canned tomatoes. Sanjay Gupta (my crush) says we don’t even need wipes; soap and water work just fine, but that doesn’t stop me from obsessively scouring the internet for them.

Everything these days seems well beyond our control. And the one thing I can control is my pantry. My new world centers around feeding my family. I’m not testing fancy recipes; it’s down to basic nourishment and comfort food. When you can’t run out to the grocery store for a missing ingredient, you make do. We’ve been eating well, and the time around the dinner table, the three of us, just like the old days when my daughter lived at home, is what I look forward to all day long. Small but significant pleasures.

Stay safe and healthy,

Read the entire list here.