Nana’s, Sip Wine Bar, Farms 11/17/2020


Is it just me, or does the world seem to be getting smaller by the day? It’s increasingly difficult (and potentially dangerous) to venture forth and see friends, and it’s getting cold for outdoor evening socializing. The social events I’ve been looking forward to are long walks with friends (well, one friend at a time!). It ticks four necessary boxes: much-needed human interaction, enjoying the out-ofdoors during one of the most beautiful seasons, a bit of exercise, and an endorphin boost that sets up the whole day. While I’m still having trouble with my attention span, one thing I can do is cook (and stock the freezer). I’m planning to try some new recipes and maybe even shake up our traditional, never-been-changed Thanksgiving menu. If this is your year for take-out, make sure you do it this week as deadlines are looming. Our list is reprinted below. Love, Erica

Read the entire list here