Dress Like A Grown Up, 4/9/14


Yup, it’s true. I spend a lot of time online. I have the bulletproof excuse that I actually work online. But you all know how easy it is to get distracted. One minute I’m checking “important” The E List email and the next I find myself studying sale shoes at Saks. All of a sudden I’m pinning a possibility to my Spring 2014 Pinterest board, and then I’m sucked into all the drool-worthy recipe pins for a few moments, which drives me to scribbling a grocery list. I have a peek in the fridge to see what ingredients I have on hand, and I figure it’s time for a snack. Is this you, too? I call it Distraction Affliction! Lucky for me and my wallet, when I’m browsing the internet, I tend to “abandon the shopping cart” (an actual industry term). For me, online shopping IS the new window shopping. You gaze longingly at a few items or get a few ideas, then the mood dissipates, and in my case, it’s back to work! Occasionally I find stuff that I think The E List readers would like, too. (And I’m a huge fan of Evernote and Pinterest for keeping everything organized). Here’s my list.