The Last List of 2014! 12/19/14

It was just last week that I was going to relish every minute of the holiday season and now I find myself skidding through it! We don’t have a tree, the cards aren’t sent, and not a gift is wrapped! I’m sticking to my mantra: “somehow it always all gets done”. My daughter arrived home and almost instantly headed out the door, taking my dreams of holiday tea at The Bee and cozy afternoons spent cutting out paper angels with her. Really, what was I thinking?? No matter. I’ll be holding her hostage for a few days in NYC. We’ve got tickets to Cabaret and I can’t wait!  Because we’ve always spent New Year’s as a family and this year she’s got “plans”, we may even venture out. We’ve done some research and here’s what’s happening on the Shoreline this New Year’s Eve. Happiest of holidays to all of you!
love, erica
p.s. This is the last list until 2015. After a little break, we’ll be working on the Insane Insidewalk Sale! Save the dates: January 30th and 31st!