A Good Home

Some people exist happily with chaos surrounding them (including most of my family), but I take after my neat-freak mother and cannot concentrate on the task at hand with dishes in the sink or stacks of paper on the counter. Luckily, I enjoy organizing. I get deep satisfaction from sorting out a tangle of vegetable peelers and cheese graters or a cosmetic drawer separated into neat cubicles of potions and lotions I actually use. The last many months have provided ample time to sift through belongings and simplify. But every home, including mine, contains several stubborn areas that remain defiantly messy.
I’ve been following A Good Home on Instagram for a while now, and this local lass provides me with endless inspiration. So the other day, I rang her up. It was love at first sentence! Chelsea Wade has been decluttering, rearranging, and making order for three years now, and her enthusiasm has not flagged! While I can’t imagine digging deep into others’ possessions, Chelsea lives for creating tidy strategies for her clients.
Chelsea’s process is a bit different from other organizers. After an initial phone call, Chelsea will come for an in-home consultation ($150), including an inventory, photos, and measurements of your kitchen, home office, playroom (or whatever your pain point is). She takes note of your style and your needs. Then Chelsea retreats to her (surely spic and span) studio to whip up a plan.
The plan includes an estimate of the time and products that she will need to execute the project. Once agreed upon (or prioritized), Chelsea gets to work. The first step is decluttering (how many vegetable peelers does anyone need? I had 6 in the drawer!) And the next step is organizing. Chelsea prefers to do this, the largest effort, on her own. She loves the element of surprise, providing a reveal to the client. After a recent home-office makeover, the homeowner burst into tears upon seeing her new space.
Lately, Chelsea has been busy with more home-office and home-schooling stations, but she says her favorite is still the kitchen. It’s the heart of the home and simplifies life for the entire family.
I had to ask her what her least favorite projects are, and of course, it’s my most significant pain point: the basement. I simply don’t know where to start with mine. She sent me a video of a before and after project, and I hired her on the spot. Sometimes we all need a bit of hand-holding. Whether you’re seeking a minimalist environment, a ROYGBIV playroom or a whole house declutter, Chelsea’s your gal.
Here is some wisdom from Chelsea:
- Could this be useful one day?
- Did someone give this to me?
- Did I pay a lot of money for this item?
- Does this item support my current values and priorities?
- Is this item adding value to my life now?
- Does this item fit in with the vision I have for my ideal home?
- Does this item feel important and meaningful to me?
- Could this item be useful/helpful for another person?
- Would I buy this item for full price today?
- Would it impact my daily life not to have this item?
- Is this item worth the space it takes up in my home?
- Does this item energize or drain me?
Have a peek at A Good Home on Instagram and visit Chelsea’s website here: www.agoodhomect.com