A Sunset Meditation on the Sound with Raven Wellness Cruises

By Chelsea Wade
In today’s world, self-care is paramount to our overall well-being. And thanks to Raven Wellness Cruises, we can now bring our meditation practice to Long Island Sound! We jumped at the chance to experience the healing and therapeutic qualities of water combined with the beauty of coastal New England in the summer. We departed Stony Creek at 7:45 pm aboard Raven, a retired (and refurbished) fishing boat circa 1977 with owners Dave as captain and Diane as first mate.
We made our way through the channel surrounded by the Thimble Islands for a scenic cruise, photo-worthy from every angle. The weather was idyllic – 80 degrees and sunny with the slightest breeze to cut the heat.
Once we arrived at a desirable spot, Captain Dave anchored the boat, and we began our guided meditation led by local yoga instructor Kelly McGuire. The combination of Kelly’s soothing guidance and the sounds of the water instantly transported us to a more relaxed headspace, and we soaked in every minute. Post-meditation, we wrapped the evening up with a leisurely cruise back to the dock, taking in the pink clouds of the sunset.
Raven Wellness Cruises offers guided sunset meditations every Tuesday evening for $35 per person, as well as self-guided sunrise meditations intermittently on Sunday and Monday mornings for $30 per person from May through September. Boarding takes place 40 minutes before sunset or sunrise, so departure times vary with the season. Capacity is six guests for each cruise. Reservations are required. Meditation pillows and yoga mats are provided, but you’re welcome to bring your own.
Private cruises are also available.